How Dental Bridges can Restore Your Smile and Confidence
If you are missing one or more teeth, you know how uncomfortable and inconvenient it can make some parts of your life. It can change your eating habits and how you enjoy food, and it can make speaking more difficult for some people. It can even influence the way you look. Most people are unaware of how the teeth have an impact on how your face looks. If you lose some teeth, it can give the cheeks a sunken look.
Luckily, there are many restorative treatments for your teeth that can replace them and help you to enjoy food and have a nice smile again. One of the most popular restorative dental techniques is bridges.
A bridge is a dental prosthetic made from ceramic and other materials that are shaped to replace the teeth that you have lost. The teeth on both sides of the missing teeth are also shaped to make a foundation for the bridge to be bonded to.
Every bridge is unique and custom made to the patient’s unique circumstances. When you come into our office to get your bridge, Dr. Wynatte Chu will take a casting of the missing teeth along with the surrounding areas. The casting is then sent to a dental lab where your crown I made by a dental technician so it can be installed at your next visit.
If you’re missing teeth and live near New York, New York, then call our office today. We will help you get back you a full and shining smile!